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Health and Safety


Please find attached the Hazard Register that has been put together, completed and reviewed by the committee 


This information is provided to assist Lodge Officers and members in the event of an emergency at the lodge. The information is intended to offer guidance only and may well have to be supplemented with common sense depending on the circumstances at the time.

There are a couple of factors which are important in the successful resolution of any emergency situation, these are mentioned below.

It is important that one person takes firm charge of the situation.  At Arlberg Ski Club that person is the Lodge Officer.

If you are the Lodge Officer during an emergency it may well be appropriate to discuss things with other members and you might choose to delegate some functions to an individual with particular skills, however you must be prepared to make decisions when necessary.

Another important factor in the successful resolution of an emergency is pre planning. It is well proven that where emergency situations have been planned for the outcome is usually more successful. Because of this you are encouraged to read the information in this folder before an emergency occurs.  You should also familiarise yourself with the lodge’s emergency equipment, first aid, fire extinguiser 


Power Cut Situation

In the event of a power cut:

  • Use the candles from the pantry for initial lighting. Please be conscious of the fire risk candles represent.
  • Obtain the emergency heating and lighting from the storage area above the ablutions.
  • Phone King Country Energy to advise them of the cut and obtain information about the likely duration.
  • Keep the log fire going
  • Go around the lodge shutting off all appliances and heaters. Turn off anything that is a potential fire hazard when power is later restored and then might go unnoticed.

If it seems the power cut could last some time:

  • Telephone the Booking Secretary to stop more people coming down to the lodge.
  • Use the emergency bedding for additional warmth if necessary.
  • If the road is open the Lodge Officer may at some stage have to consider closing the lodge.

Snowed in Situation

In many cases during a snow-in there is little to do but while away the time until the road/facilities are restored by RAL.  However, the Lodge Officer should use the time to plan ahead in case the situation deteriorates.

The Lodge Officer must

Phone the booking secretary to advise him/her of the situation, who is in the lodge, and request that he/she stops any more members coming down.

Ensure that at least two exits from the lodge are serviceable at all times

Other factors that may need considering

  • It may be necessary to allocate extra duties to clear snow from the entrance and/or emergency exits. After heavy snow falls it may also be necessary to clear some of the snow/weight off the roof.
  • If the road is closed during the day it is possible that ski patrol may require you to take in members of the public. This has happened!.
  • Emergency bedding and heating is stored above the ablution area. If you have to put members of the public overnight, and numbers permit, it is best to clear a bunkroom for them. If the Lodge Officer chooses to put them up on the lounge floor a responsible club member must stay there with them.
  • People staying in the lodge may well be advised to telephone family or work early during the snow-in, whilst the phone is still working!
  • If you are having trouble heating the lounge area you may need to concentrate everyone into the bunkroom areas and use the emergency heating as well.
  • Check the food situation. Normally there should be sufficient food however the Lodge Officer may need to consider rationing food if necessary.
  • After the road is opened be sure to phone the booking secretary again to let him/her know. This is also the time to sort out lodge fees.

Lodge Fees

The following is the club policy on lodge fees during a snow-in:

  • Members and guests booked in but unable to reach the lodge because the road is closed do not get charged.
  • Members and guests forced to stay on in the lodge because the road is closed all get charged at the member’s rate for any extra nights. This was decided because the members’ bunk rate approximates the actual cost to the club of people staying on. The fact that you may well not wish to be there is simply a risk of sport.
  • On the rare emergency occasions that members of the public must be accommodated the Lodge Officer is to ask them for a donation.

Medical Emergency

It is well beyond the intent of this document to attempt to give instruction in Emergency Medical Care. However some procedural points probably merit mentioning.

  • If at all possible never leave a patient alone.
  • In the case of accident injuries do not unnecessarily move the patient.
  • Have the person with the highest skill level available look after the patient
  • Have the first aid kit (stored in the pantry) available.
  • Obtain expert medical assistance. Instruct someone to phone or fetch help. Possible sources of help in approximate order of priority are:
    • Ski Patrol Phone
    • Park Ranger Phone
    • Dial 111 and ask for ambulance service.
    • Dial RAL phone
    • Try nearby lodges for trained medical help
  • Keep the patient warm and do not allow them anything by mouth until seen by medical staff.

Fire Evacuation Plan

In the event of fire follow evacuation procedures as posted throughout the lodge.

The Lodge Officer is the designated Fire Warden and is responsible for accounting for lodge occupants (roll call) and for liaising with the Rangers or other emergency services as required.

In the event of finding a fire:

  • Warn others immediately.
  • Sound the manual alarm located in the hall or in the lounge by the terrace door.
  • Call the Fire Service, dial 111
  • Be aware the fire alarm DOES NOT summon the Fire Service.
    If necessary call from an adjoining lodge rather than staying in the building too long.
  • Leave by the nearest exit.
  • Close doors behind you on your way out.
  • If practical take warm clothing and footwear.
  • Assist the children.
  • Assemble on the north side of Havelock North Ski Club.
  • Lodge Officer or other responsible person to conduct a roll call.
  • Do not re enter the lodge to collect possessions.

Lodge Officer

  • Endeavour to account for everyone. If time permits take the lodge list with you on exiting the lodge.
  • Ensure the fire service has been called. It doe not matter if they get called twice. Be sure to give an accurate address.
  • Send someone to the Top of the Bruce to direct the first arriving fire appliance to the lodge.
  • Only if the fire is small, allow a team of at least two to attack the fire with extinguishers. Only allow designated fire teams to re enter the building. Never re-enter alone.
  • When the first fire appliance arrives advise the officer in charge
    Whether everyone is accounted for.
  • Where the fire is located

Fire Fighting Instructions

  • Only attempt to attack a small fire.
  • For safety always work in pairs. Make sure someone knows you are in the building.
  • If possible take an extinguisher each.
  • Before opening doors test them for heat. If they are hot it indicates a significant fire on the other side of the door.
  • Be aware if you open a door into a significant fire and thereby oxygenate it, you can cause a backdraft fire explosion which you will probably not survive.
  • Always keep low, the visibility, temperature and air quality are better.
  • Aim you fire extinguisher at the base of the fire and use a sweeping motion to cover the fire area with extinguishing media.
  • If you are successful in “knocking down” the fire it is recommended to close the door and leave the building until the fire service arrives. Toxic fire gases can render you unconscious in less than two minutes so spend as little time as possible in the building.
  • If you are not successful in knocking down the fire leave anyway, do not make repeated attempts at extinguishing the fire
  • Ventilating the area by opening windows and doors to let smoke out risks rekindling the fire and/or accelerating fire spread. It should not be done until the fire service arrives.

After the fire

  • Be aware that the local fire brigade is made up of local volunteers with limited experience. As well as listening to their advice use your own common sense.
  • Remove any burnt or charred material to the outside, well clear of the building.
  • Ensure that every building cavity into which any fire could possibly have spread is explored for charring and residual burning. Pay particular attention to ceiling and roof areas.
  • Do not worry about causing a bit of damage pulling off wall linings, it is better than losing the lodge completely a few hours later!
  • Arrange for someone to advise the clubs insurer.

Handy tip to get rid of smoke smell; when cleaning up use:

  • One cup of garden lime per bucket of warm water to wash walls.
  • ¼ cup of cloudy ammonia in each wash for clothes and curtains

Missing Persons

If someone doesn’t return from skiing advise the Park Ranger and follow his/her advice.
People going to Turoa for the day should advise you, as a safety precaution you should make sure that they know to phone you if delayed. Raise the alarm if they do not return.

Safety Inspections

  • Once each month the lodge must be inspected for compliance with the building regulations.
  • Items to be inspected are listed on the Build Inspection Report Sheets. These are in a white ring binder by the tool cupboard under the stairs.
  • The inspection Sheet must be signed and dated.
  • Any items not complying must be listed on the back of the Report Sheet. The sheets are filed in the ring binder.
  • Check:
    • EXITS working and clear of snow
    • Emergency lighting
    • Alarms – fire and smoke
    • Signs
  • Smoke stop doors from lounge and from bunk rooms should be kept closed at all times.

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